Sunday, December 14, 2014

Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton

Jurassic Park is one of the most enjoyable, thrilling, and captivating books I have ever read. It is the perfect blend of fantasy, science fiction, and even a little horror. One thing that the movie failed to capture was how smart Jurassic Park actually is. From the seemingly plausible way of cloning dinosaurs that it presents, to the the complex computer system throughout the park, the book is full of unique ways to present it's science fiction ideas. It even manages to strike the reader with almost as much terror and awe in it's descriptions of the dinosaurs(the only thing it's missing is John Williams magnificent score). While it may be more close in plot to the movie than something like The Shining and it's movie adaptation, the general tone is vastly different, the book being a more serious and scientific thriller while the movie, as great as it is, being more of a summer blockbuster. There is something in this book for everyone, and as such should be read by everyone who likes thrillers and science fiction. 
Verdict: Buy it.
Book's Page Count: 464
My Total Page Count: 2168

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