Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Princess Bride - William Goldman

Over winter break I started to read a book that I've been wanting to check out for a while: The Princess Bride. It had been years since I'd seen the movie so I figured that I might as well check out the book that it was based on. When reading it, I could clearly see the same type of humor that was used int the movie, as well as an additional layer of meta humor that made it extremely fun to read. It reminded me of something like the historian murder mystery subplot in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. From the way that Goldman credits himself as the person who abridged the book, to the little sections that he writes with his voice injected, it added a little something that I honestly loved about the book. Overall, it's timeless story, funny love able characters, and meta humor made The Princess Bride a great read.
Book's Page Count: 450
My Total Page Count: 450

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