Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien

The Things They Carried  is an amazing book. There are no two ways about it. Unless someone hates media that isn't exactly lighthearted, I can't think of any real reasons to dislike this book (not to say that it's perfect). What I really appreciated about this book was how honest it was, despite having whole chapters of the book dedicated to telling the reader not to believe everything they are told; even if whole parts of the book were made up, I would still appreciate it's honesty. Not because it's a completely accurate retelling of what actually happened, but because it never glorifies the war for better or worse. No leaders giving an emotional speech during a battle, no crying over every characters corpse, just the honest brutality of war.
Book's Page Count: 233
My Total Page Count: 683

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